Course Overview
Dermatologic conditions, such as otitis externa, allergic dermatitis, and bacterial skin infections, are among the most common reasons clients bring patients to veterinarians. Additionally, dermatologic diseases are often chronic and recurrent, so procedures may be repeated on the same patient multiple times. This course provides tools for incorporating a Fear Free approach to common dermatologic techniques used in the clinic, including ear exams and cytology, skin scrape and cytology, and biopsy.
In addition, in-home bathing and ear treatments can also be a source of stress for both pets and clients. By providing suggestions for decreasing FAS during bathing and ear treatments, we can help increase compliance for topical therapy.
This course consists of four lessons:
- Lesson 1: Classical Conditioning and Conditioned Emotional Responses
- Lesson 2: The Ears: Exams and Procedures
- Lesson 3: The Skin: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
- Lesson 4: Bathing: At Home and In Clinic
This course is approved for one hour of RACE CE.